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13 Sep

Bikes For Kids


Posted by: Kim Seifert

Bikes For Kids 2017

Bikes For Kids

 Bikes For Kids – 900 bikes and counting…!

It’s time for a new Bikes for Kids campaign, and 2017 is going to be another great year! The website to donate is up and running. Bikes for Kids was created by Dominion Lending Centres to provide underprivileged children with the joy of their first bike. Since 2014, Bikes for Kids has helped raise and distribute 5,000+ bikes throughout Canada. Now, we want to do MORE!

This year, we aim to raise an additional 2,000 bikes across the country. Events will be held in eight cities – Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Bikes for Kids has partnered with the fire fighters across the country and will be holding most of the events in inner-city schools (more information on the events to follow). We will also continue to work with the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau in Vancouver. This way, we help make Christmas a little brighter for kids throughout Canada.

So….how do I buy or “raise” the bikes? Simple!

The bikes can be purchased through our website – We have partnered with Canadian Tire Canada and Runners Crafted Bikes – both these companies have given us special pricing AND will include a helmet for all bikes and a lock for all pedal bikes. Anyone can purchase a new bike from any store of your choosing but please consider including a helmet for safety reasons.

If you or your friends wish to donate cash and we purchase the bikes on their behalf, we can do that too! Just visit our website – – click on the give or donate button and donate the amount of your choice. We will purchase bikes with your generous donation for kids in your area.

Rib Night – October 16th!

Come and join us on Monday October 16th at the Press Box Sports for our 2nd annual DLC Bikes for Kids Rib Night Fundraiser! We are raising funds to purchase brand new bikes, helmets, and locks from Canadian Tire for the underprivileged children of Regina. Through our partnership with the United Way Regina and their Attendance Matters campaign kids at four community schools in Regina will have the opportunity to receive a new bike in December.

Tickets are only $30 and are going fast! Please contact me for your tickets.

Also consider visiting to buy a bike for a child in Regina or to donate funds to our campaign. This year we are in particular need of people to purchase boys and girls bikes in the 18″, 24″, and 26″ sizes.

Check out the Bikes For Kids FAQs by clicking here! Thank you for taking part in this AMAZING endeavor and should you have any questions, please let me know.

Kim Seifert
Mortgage Broker
(306) 533-4492

Bikes For Kids